The Federal High Court in Abuja, on Monday, granted bail to Olamide Thomas, the nurse and activist remanded on charges of cyberbullying for her social media comments about President Bola Tinubu, his son Seyi Tinubu, and two top police officers’ children.
The judge, Emeka Nwite, set bail at N10 million, attaching other conditions to her release.
Initially, on 20 December 2024, the judge rejected an oral bail request made by Ms Thomas’ lawyers following her arraignment. The judge insisted that only a formal written application for bail would be considered.
In response, Ms Thomas’ defence team submitted a written bail application, which was heard in court on Monday. Seprebofa Oyeghe and J.A. Ekwe led Ms Thomas’ legal team. But the legal representatives of the police prosecution were absent during the proceedings.
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