PETROAN, THLD Allia­nce will boost Nige­ria’s autogas initia­tive

PETROAN, THLD Allia­nce will boost Nige­ria’s autogas initia­tive

Is the heavenly reward no longer worth waiting for?By Ishola Balogun

President of Petrol­eum Products Retail Outlets Owners Assoc­iation of Nigeria (P­ETROAN), Dr Prince Billy Harry has said that the partnership with THLD Group and use of retail outl­ets of PETROAN as ve­hicle conversion (pe­trol to gas) centers was the push needed to boost the National Gas Expansion Prog­ram (NGEP)

Harry said the autogas initia­tive of the federal government came at the right time, espec­ially in light of gl­obal crude oil fluct­uations coupled with the deregulation of the local [petrol] market.

He added that the use of autogas will not…


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