Serial lover arrested for dating 35 different women at the same time in Japan

Serial lover arrested for dating 35 different women at the same time in Japan

…He told each one he had a different birthday so he regularly received gifts from them

…The serial dater told each victim he wanted a serious relationship

…The women eventually banded together in February and reported him to police

…Combined, the women have accused Miyagawa of swindling them out of £665 worth of birthday presents, clothes, and cash

A serial dater has been arrested in Japan after seeing 35 different people at the same time and receiving gifts and cards from all of them.

Takashi Miyagawa, a part-time worker of no fixed abode from the Japanese region of Kansai, had told each of the women he had been dating that his birthday was on a different date.

The 39-year-old was arrested for defrauding the 35 women after pretending to be serious about relationships with them.

Miyagwa’s real birthday in November 13.

In one case, the Miyagwa told a 47-year-old lover that his birthday was on February 22, while another victim, 40, said he told her it was in July. A third woman, who is 35, said she believed it was in April.

According to SoraNews24, the total number of victims stands at 35 with the possibility of more coming forwards.

In total, the women have accused Miyagawa of swindling them out of £665 worth of birthday presents, clothes, and cash.

The suspect met his victims while…


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