Biden’s Shaky Recession Prediction: No…I Don’t Think So…Maybe A Slight One

Biden’s Shaky Recession Prediction: No…I Don’t Think So…Maybe A Slight One

Based on President Joe Biden‘s track record of failed predictions, it would appear a deep recession is incoming.

On Tuesday evening, Biden joined CNN’s Jake Tapper for a game of softball sitdown interview and was asked, “Should the American people prepare for a recession?”

Biden’s response didn’t imbue much confidence.

“No…” he said before finding his words, “Every six months they say this … There is no guarantee that there’s going to be a recession, I don’t think there will be a recession, if there is it will be a very slight recession, that is we’ll move down slightly.”

The president then tried to wave away concerns about America’s economy by saying the rest of the world has it worse — as if that somehow should bring the American people comfort.

“Look, think about what’s happened. We’re in a better position than any other major country in the world economically and politically.”

As The Heritage Foundation’s John Cooper said, “In about 10…


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