CNN asks Biden about possible charges against his son

CNN asks Biden about possible charges against his son

The US president has defended Hunter Biden amid an FBI criminal probe, praising him for overcoming drug addiction

Nearly two years on from the bombshell scandal that sprung from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop, CNN has confronted President Joe Biden about the possibility of criminal charges being filed against his son.

Asked in an interview on Tuesday about reports that federal prosecutors have enough evidence to charge Hunter Biden with tax and gun crimes, the president defended his son without directly addressing the FBI investigation against him. “Well, first of all, I’m proud of my son,” Joe Biden said. “This is a kid who got – not a kid, he’s a grown man – he got hooked on, like many families have had happen, hooked on drugs. He’s overcome that. He’s established a new life.”

CNN host Jake Tapper immediately moved on to other topics after Biden’s response, and he didn’t address aspects of the laptop story that implicated the…


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