Emotional family vow to leave 'no stone unturned' as student, 18, died after taking ketamine

A family of an ‘articulate and accomplished’ architecture student who died on her first night at university after taking ketamine has said they will leave ‘no stone unturned’ in their efforts to get answers about her death.

Jeni Larmour, 18, from Newtonhamilton, Northern Ireland, died hours after arriving at Newcastle University on October 3, 2020.

She took a lethal combination of alcohol and ketamine, a tranquilliser she sniffed with new flatmate Kavir Kalliecharan and was found dead in his room, Newcastle Coroner’s Court has heard.

Mr Kalliecharan, 20,  previously told the inquest how Ms Larmour – an A* student and classical singer – provided the ketamine which, along with a significant amount of alcohol, killed her.

Newcastle coroner Karen Dilks today ruled the ketamine was supplied to Ms Larmour by ‘another’. 

But Ms Larmour’s parents questioned what witnesses had told the court.

Ms Dilks recorded a verdict of misadventure and said Ms Larmour’s death had been the result of…


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