‘No F***ing Evidence’: Russell Brand Blasts Biden, Pfizer After Exec Admits COVID Vaccine Was Never Tested To Stop Transmission

‘No F***ing Evidence’: Russell Brand Blasts Biden, Pfizer After Exec Admits COVID Vaccine Was Never Tested To Stop Transmission

Podcaster Russell Brand blasted President Joe Biden and Pfizer after a top executive with the company admitted they “never tested transmission efficacy” of their COVID vaccine in the trials.

During Rumble’s “Stay Free with Russell Brand” podcast Wednesday, the host opened the show by pointing out that Janine Small, Pfizer’s president of international developed markets, testified before the European Union Parliament and admitted the company “never even trialed the vaccine” to test its efficacy to stop the spread of COVID “before it entered the market.”

“Isn’t that the most extraordinary thing,” Brand said. “After for a couple of years, hearing that if you’re an unvaccinated person that you are irresponsible. I believe Joe Biden for example said this is a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’”

Brand then questioned if others were seeing the story on places like CNN and the BBC, and said one has to wonder why this isn’t news.

“Because they were pretty…


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