Plans for Camilla to be crowned with coronet containing 105-carat Koh-i-Noor diamond may be axed

Plans for the Queen Consort to be crowned using regalia containing the controversial Koh-i-Noor diamond may be axed because of ‘political sensitivities’, it has been reported.

When the King first raised the issue of his wife taking her place by his side at his coronation several years ago it was provisionally agreed that she would be proclaimed Queen Consort using the late Queen Mother‘s crown, according to Mail+

The priceless piece features 2,800 diamonds with the front cross holding the famous 105-carat Koh-i-Noor diamond, one of the largest cut diamonds in the world.

But the Mail has learnt that there is ‘significant nervousness’ about this now given continuing controversy over ownership of the diamond, which originated in India and is claimed not only by the republic but also several other countries in the region.

Plans for the Queen Consort to be crowned using regalia  (pictured: The Queen Mother’s Crown on her coffin while she lie in state in 2002) containing the…


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