Truss cabinet ‘hastily’ rewrites posture on China

Truss cabinet ‘hastily’ rewrites posture on China

An updated strategy will describe Beijing as a “threat” rather than a “systemic competitor,” according to reports

The UK is poised to officially classify China as a “threat,” the British media reported on Tuesday. Prime Minister Liz Truss is ready to adopt a more hostile stance towards Beijing and has expressed support for self-governing Taiwan on multiple occasions.

The government is reportedly working fast to rewrite a strategic document released under Truss’ predecessor, Boris Johnson, to formalize a more hawkish approach towards Beijing. According to The Telegraph, the policy update, which was first flagged when Truss was campaigning to become Tory leader, could come “within days.’

The policy paper in question, known as the “Integrated Review of Defence and Foreign Policy,” was released in March 2021. It calls China a “systemic competitor” and states that the country’s “increasing power and international…


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