Having a boy really IS tougher! Brains age quicker in parents who have sons, scientists find

It will come as little surprise to many parents — but having a boy really might be tougher work.

Scientists say having a son seems to age your brain quicker.

A study of more than 13,000 over-50s in the US found that parents with at least one son experienced faster cognitive decline, compared to those without one.

And those who had more than one son lost their cognitive abilities faster than those who had only daughters.

The researchers, from the US and Czechia, did not investigate what was to blame for the effect.

But they suggested it may be down to daughters being more likely to look after their parents in their elderly years and offer emotional support, helping to keep them healthier as they age.

Meanwhile, those who have boys may be less likely to lead a healthy lifestyle.

For example, studies show parents of daughters are less likely to drink alcohol, take drugs and smoke — while mothers of sons are more likely to weigh more.

A study of more than 13,000 over-50s in the US…


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