Moscow urges UN probe into Ukrainian biolabs

Moscow urges UN probe into Ukrainian biolabs

Russia has filed an official complaint over US-backed biological activities in Ukraine

Russia is calling on the UN Security Council to establish a commission to investigate alleged violations of the convention prohibiting the use of biological weapons by Ukraine and the United States.

“We requested a meeting in two days in line with Article 6 of the Biological Weapons Convention,” the Russian mission to the United Nations said on Tuesday. 

Moscow’s ambassador, Vassily Nebenzia, circulated a draft resolution ahead of the Thursday meeting, along with “a variety of documents and evidence that shed light on the true nature of military biological activities of the US and Ukraine on the Ukrainian territory.”

Russia was forced to invoke Article VI of the convention to raise the issues with the Security Council after its repeated inquiries were largely ignored by Washington and Kiev, who “have not provided necessary explanations, nor have they…


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