Pennsylvania Republican Laments Jan. 6 Convictions: ‘Is This Really America?’

Pennsylvania Republican Laments Jan. 6 Convictions: ‘Is This Really America?’

Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) expressed outrage at the imprisonment of people convicted of crimes related to the U.S. Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021, in a Thursday night debate with his Democratic challenger, Dan Pastore.

Asked by the WICU Erie News Now debate moderators how he felt about the deliberations of the House select committee investigating the riot’s causes and calls for the committee to subpoena former President Donald Trump, Kelly characterized it as a partisan witch hunt and emphasized his anger with the law enforcement response to the riot.

“Should it have happened? Absolutely not,” Kelly said of the attack on the Capitol. “The relentless pursuit of this president, regardless of any information that’s gathered, should be shocking to any person that lives in this country.”

“I understand and fully agree: Jan. 6 should have never happened,” Kelly added. “But when you look at some of the people who are still imprisoned with no way of getting out, you ask yourself:…


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