Russia reveals key mobilization numbers

Russia reveals key mobilization numbers

Planned conscription for the Ukraine campaign is complete, the defense minister has announced

Russia’s partial mobilization has been completed, with 300,000 reservists drafted as planned, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin on Friday, providing new details about the effort. The draft was announced in September amid Moscow’s ongoing military operation in Ukraine.  

“The dispatch of citizens conscripted for mobilization was completed today,” Shoigu told Putin. “Citizen notification has been discontinued. The task set by you – 300,000 people – has been fulfilled.

“No additional tasks are planned. Military commissariats within the framework of the special military operation will continue to replenish the troops only by accepting volunteers and candidates for military service under the contract,” he said.

“13,000 citizens, without waiting for summonses, expressed a desire to fulfill their duty…


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