Britain's most sugar-laden baby foods and drinks revealed

Britain’s most sugar-laden baby foods and drinks were today named and shamed.

Some products — including ones sold by Ella’s Kitchen — contain up to four teaspoons of it.

Government guidance states no added sugars, including those from fruit which have been pureed, should be consumed by children under two.

But an audit of baby breakfast products sold in UK supermarkets found nearly 90 per cent marketed as having none are actually packed full of it.

Experts today labelled it a ‘scandal’, arguing that ‘no added sugar’ statements on packaging may make parents think the products are healthier than they are.

Doctors, dentists and other experts want ministers to ban products being sold with ‘misleading nutrition or health claims’.

The Action on Sugar survey found Ella’s Kitchen’s Banana, Apple & Blueberry Baby Rice had the highest sugar per serve, with 14.5g sugars per pouch


The government recommends that free sugars – sugars added to food or…


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