The Missing Piece in Nigeria’s Economic Growth Story

The Missing Piece in Nigeria’s Economic Growth Story

Editor’s Note: Nigeria, which has long struggled with governance issues and poverty, is in need of a profound economic transformation. Its economic growth path will be driven by how effectively it harnesses and rewards the efforts of its greatest natural asset—its people.

Jonah is like a typical Innovative guy. He has some smart ideas which he articulates passionately. He envisioned a Nigeria that’s self-sufficient in all aspects and where all sections of the society have access to basic amenities. But, Nigeria’s Economy potential has been reeling under the pressure of structural issues, including inadequate infrastructure, tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade, obstacles to investment, lack of confidence in currency valuation, and limited foreign exchange capacity.

Meanwhile, Jonah has realized(very wisely, in my opinion)  that there is a path forward for Nigeria to make transformational progress. So he has made his choice. He has focused on the more…


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