The myth that “only God God can save Nigeria”! (1), By Sunday Adelaja

The myth that “only God can save Nigeria”! (1)

The most frustrating thing about our doctrine in the modern church is that the unbelievers who have never been to church, the agnostics, those who are outright atheists, don’t have to fight with whether they are supposed to dominate the earth or not, they just go ahead and do it. While we Christians are bound hands and feet, sitting down in the pews, instead of going out to explore the earth for the Son of God, King of kings and the Lord of lords.

By Sunday Adelaja

Despite the title of this article and the content thereof, I wish to start by stating once again to those who might have one or two reasons to doubt it, that I am without any doubt a pastor and a Christian. Sometimes when someone begins to question our religious status quo, the query one often gets is like: “this guy is either backslidden or is not a Christian at all”. I, however, intentionally titled this article “The myth that “only God God can save Nigeria!” I want the title to catch the attention of the readers, so that they could question their reasoning.

Thanks to my hyperactivity on Facebook of late, I have come to be a little bit familiar with the mindset of my people. One of aspect of that mindset is what I want to throw light on today. I hope this is not true, but facts abound to the affirmation that most Christians in my country, Nigeria, and all around the world, would rather pray to God to come and fix their land, than do something about it themselves.

With all due respect, coupled with the fact that I am a pastor, I probably understand where people who say such things are coming from, but for the sake of progress, I beg to disagree with such a stand.


Even though God rules in the affairs of men, yet the earth is not God’s jurisdiction. He only rules in the affairs of men, either by their invitation or to save them from some self-inflicted dangers. Otherwise, God indeed has given the earth over to the control of man.

The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord’s; But the earth, He has given to the children of men. Psalm 115: 16.

From the scripture above, we can see that the domain of God is primarily heaven. That is where He has limited himself to. He has chosen to make the heavens His jurisdiction, while at the same time He makes it very clear that the earth has been given to man as his sphere of influence. The earth therefore is not God’s jurisdiction. It is man’s domain. Man, therefore, is responsible for what transpires here.


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