Dan Bongino hits back at 'garbage narrative' on House Speaker battle: A 'glorious day' for America

Dan Bongino hits back at 'garbage narrative' on House Speaker battle: A 'glorious day' for America

After 15 ballots, the House early on Saturday morning chose a new Speaker to officially usher in the 118th U.S. Congress. While many critics have blasted Republicans for party infighting over the past week, “Unfiltered” host Dan Bongino praised the successful debates as a “glorious week” for the American republic. 

“We got to a conclusion. It took a couple of days. We got some of what we wanted. The more moderate wing got some of what they wanted. We’ve got a Speaker and the business of the House will continue,” Bongino said on “Fox & Friends Weekend,” Saturday. 

“It is a glorious day for the Republic. Everyone should celebrate it today. There’s no reason to hide your head in shame. That’s a left-wing media garbage narrative. It was a glorious week and I enjoyed every second of it.”

Since the battle for Speaker began on Tuesday, critics from both sides of the political aisle have slammed Republicans, specifically the GOP holdouts who opposed McCarthy’s bid. 

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