'Pay to slay': Biden sued for sending half a billion in Palestinian aid that could fund acts of terrorism

'Pay to slay': Biden sued for sending half a billion in Palestinian aid that could fund acts of terrorism

The Biden administration has shipped more than a half billion U.S. taxpayer dollars to the Palestinian Authority without verifying that the organization isn’t funding terrorism, according to a federal lawsuit. 

The plaintiffs include victims of terrorism and Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, and is being led by America First Legal (AFL), a government watchdog group.

“Joe Biden is breaking the law by allowing our tax dollars to fund terrorism in Israel, and he must be stopped,” said Jackson, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. “I have deep respect for my fellow plaintiffs who have been tragically and directly impacted by Pay to Slay, and I am proud to be on the same team as we hold this failed administration accountable.”

The law, which is named for Taylor Force, a U.S. Army veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan who was murdered by Palestinian terrorists in 2016, prohibits U.S. economic assistance that benefits the Palestinian Authority unless and until the secretary of state…


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