Biden aides reportedly found more classified files from VP days in private location

Biden aides reportedly found more classified files from VP days in private location


Aides to President Joe Biden found more classified documents dating to his days serving as vice president in a second location, according to multiple reports.

NBC News first reported Wednesday that aides to the president have been searching for any additional classified material after an initial batch of files were found in November, sifting through locations Biden used after he left the Obama administration. It’s unclear where the latest documents were found, how many there were or what information they contained.

The reports come just days after the White House said Biden’s personal attorneys found a small number of classified files at a private office last year that dated from his tenure as vice president. Those documents were found in a locked closet at a think tank in Washington, D.C., that Biden used for several years from 2017 to 2020.

The president’s lawyers notified the National Archives of their findings the same day and turned over the documents a day later. The White…


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