Attorney General Merrick Garland names special counsel to investigate Biden classified documents

Attorney General Merrick Garland names special counsel to investigate Biden classified documents


Attorney General Merrick Garland announced Thursday he would appoint former U.S. attorney Robert Hur as special counsel after classified documents dating back to Biden’s time as vice president were found to be stored incorrectly.

“I am confident that Mr. Hur will carry out his responsibility in an even-handed and urgent manner and in accordance with the highest traditions of this department,” Garland said at a press conference.

Republicans have seized on the discovery in light of the criminal investigation currently plaguing former President Donald Trump, who moved thousands of government records to his Mar-a-Lago home after his presidency. The former president slow-walked the Justice Department’s efforts to regain control of the documents and has been fighting its probe.

When a president leaves office, all presidential records become the legal property of the National Archives, which is in charge of storing them safely.

Garland named a special counsel on Nov. 18 to oversee…


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