Don Lemon Gets Testy With Chuck Schumer Over Comment On Biden Docs Coverage

Don Lemon Gets Testy With Chuck Schumer Over Comment On Biden Docs Coverage

CNN host Don Lemon went after Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) for indicating that the network wanted to “buzz around” about President Joe Biden’s classified documents case. (You can watch Lemon’s response below.)

The heated moment came toward the end of a week marked by reports of classified document discoveries at Biden’s home and in an office he used, in a matter that has sparked a special counsel investigation.

Lawyers found more documents during another search of his home library, the White House said on Saturday. While the White House had previously announced that Biden’s personal lawyers found one document there on Wednesday, a White House lawyer said he found additional pages when there on Thursday, resulting in six total pages from the library.

Lemon fired back at Schumer on Friday’s “CNN This Morning” program, telling him that the handling of classified material by the president is “serious stuff.”

“It’s not just, hold on, it’s not…


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