Even Adam Schiff Admits Biden Classified Docs Scandal Might Have Jeopardized National Security

Even Adam Schiff Admits Biden Classified Docs Scandal Might Have Jeopardized National Security

California Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff admitted Sunday that President Joe Biden’s alleged mishandling of classified documents might have jeopardized national security.

Appearing on ABC’s “This Week” Sunday, Schiff praised the appointment of a special counsel to look into whether Biden improperly handled some classified files. He also called for an intelligence assessment to determine whether national security was harmed. Schiff has claimed that former President Donald Trump “knowingly put our national security at risk” by having classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, his Florida home.

“I do think it’s the right move,” Schiff said of the special counsel probe. “The attorney general has to make sure that not only is justice evenly applied, but the appearances of justice are also satisfactory to the public. And here, I don’t think he had any choice but to appoint a special counsel. And I think that special counsel will do the proper assessment.”


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