Biden’s document disaster has got media loyalists on the run

Biden’s document disaster has got media loyalists on the run

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President Joe Biden’s growing document disaster isn’t quite a scandal by Washington terms. It doesn’t have the expression “gate” attached to it in every news story. But with the constant stream of newly found documents, it’s like a TV cop show. Call it “Law & Order: POTUS.” 

Except it wouldn’t make just one episode. Biden guaranteed four with four separate document discoveries. “POTUS” has everything but the calling card “dun-dun” sound and a Lenny Briscoe (RIP) joke to set things in motion. 

Biden put himself in more legal hot water than his wayward son Hunter. And even the press can’t avoid making comparisons to former President Donald Trump’s document scandal. Especially since Biden bashed Trump as “irresponsible” for the Mar-a-Lago documents.  

Biden’s fiasco has divided the media – with some downplaying the president’s behavior or attacking his critics. But, Biden’s cover-up and awful response to a…


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