House Republicans can fix border, end Biden’s border crisis and reclaim control from Mexican cartels

House Republicans can fix border, end Biden’s border crisis and reclaim control from Mexican cartels

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America is under siege by both cartels and our own politicians. Since day one of his presidency Joe Biden has made it clear that he would rather allow cartels to control our border than be vulnerable to political attacks from the left. 

As a result, we have experienced the largest border security crisis in modern American history. The Secretary of Homeland Security has perpetuated this crisis through “encounter and release” policies that ignore our laws and put both Americans and the migrants seeking to come here in danger. 

Now, House Republicans have a chance to force the President’s hand to end the crisis and reclaim control of our border from cartels.  H.R. 29, the Border Safety and Security Act, will immediately reverse these “encounter and release” policies by requiring DHS to instead “detain or turn away.” 

This is the border security equivalent of the pandemic-prevention deterrent known as Title 42, which all Republicans have…


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