Priest says he went to Hell, wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy

Priest says he went to Hell, wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy


Priest Gerald Johnson from Michigan claimed to have visited Hell after suffering a heart attack and said the experience changed his life forever.

“I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy,” he said.

Johnson posted his claims in a series of TikToks and claimed that he was sent to Hell in February of 2016 after his heart attack. In one of his more viral videos, which got 3.7 million views, Johnson said that he indeed saw real Hell.

“I was there and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. I don’t care what he did to me. No one deserves that.”

The priest from Michigan described the moment when he was launched to the center of the Earth where he says Hell is.

“My spirit left my physical body, and I thought I was on my way up [to Heaven],” he remembered. “I thought I did so much good during my life and that I helped so many people, but even so, I went down [to Hell]. I entered the very center of the Earth. The things I saw there are indescribable. It brings up so many difficult feelings when I talk about it.”

So what happens in hell?

Johnson, a priest of seven years, described some of the things he witnessed when he visited Hell including a man “walking on all fours like a dog and getting burned from head to toe. His eyes were bulging and worse than that: He was wearing chains on his neck. He was like a hellhound. There was a demon holding the chains.” 


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