At State of the Union, Biden has 3 big failures he must own when he addresses nation

At State of the Union, Biden has 3 big failures he must own when he addresses nation

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President Joe Biden will deliver the annual State of the Union address Tuesday night. All three branches of government — and plenty of television cameras — will be on hand for one of our nation’s most hallowed traditions. 

The president is likely to subject the nation to his usual misleading explanations of his administration’s many failures. Sadly, at every stage of his term in office, Biden has bragged, boasted and tried to shift blame. Biden called inflation “transitory” and his surrender to the Taliban “an extraordinary success.” There has been no presidential failure — no matter how embarrassing or how destructive — that he has not called a victory. 

The American people see right through it. They see the cost of inflation every time they go to the grocery store. They see the shocking toll of the fentanyl crisis and crime every time they turn on the evening news. The American people do not want more cheap talking points….


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