FNC’s Hume: ‘Considerable Doubt’ Biden Stumbling, Slurring SOTU Was a ‘Confidence-Inspiring’ Speech

FNC’s Hume: ‘Considerable Doubt’ Biden Stumbling, Slurring SOTU Was a ‘Confidence-Inspiring’ Speech

Following Tuesday’s State of the Union address, Fox News Channel political analyst Brit Hume gave low marks to President Joe Biden’s delivery, arguing the speech was not “confidence-inspiring.”

According to the veteran FNC personality, the “stumbling and slurring” did not lend itself to inspiring confidence.

“Looking at this one and this man giving it, I think that there are two ways to look at this speech,” he said. “One is, you know, the speech itself, what it said, the programs announced, the spending promise, the remedies for the bragging about what their accomplishments are and all of that. The other way is looking at this man, this 80-year-old man, the oldest president, I guess, ever, and whether he got through the speech well. And it seemed to me that it was an awful lot of stumbling and slurring and words left out and so on.”

“So the question becomes this: There’s someone sitting at home worried about the future of our country, perhaps suffering…


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