Why Joe Biden is more dangerous than Donald Trump

Why Joe Biden is more dangerous than Donald Trump

The President’s State of the Union address shows he is a symptom of America’s problems, just like his predecessor

By Timur Fomenko, a political analyst 

Joe Biden conducted his State of the Union address on Tuesday night.

A staple trait of Biden’s presidency is that he repeatedly claims that he is making things better for ordinary Americans. In his own words, he is creating jobs, bringing down inflation and “delivering for families”. He frames himself as an FDR style titan who is reinvigorating the US following troubled times, and, in his words, making it “more competitive” than ever.

In reality, his statements could not be further from the truth.The United States is in chaos and the Biden administration faces painfully low approval ratings, crippling levels of inflation, weak 2022 GDP and a looming recession. Whatever the expectations of Joe Biden were, he has proved himself to be the most dangerous and hawkish Democrat leading the US…


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