Dozens of NJ mayors call for immediate offshore wind moratorium after latest whale deaths

Dozens of NJ mayors call for immediate offshore wind moratorium after latest whale deaths

A coalition of 30 mayors representing communities along the New Jersey coast are calling on federal lawmakers and officials to implement a moratorium on offshore wind development in response to a spate of whale deaths.

The mayors, who collectively represent 359,168 residents and communities with beaches that welcome millions of visitors, requested that federal and state agencies conduct a comprehensive analysis of the impact offshore wind construction and surveying equipment may have on marine wildlife. They argued such development should only continue if it is conclusively proven to not harm wildlife.

“The 30 undersigned mayors of New Jersey coastal communities stand united in their concern about the unprecedented number of whales that have washed ashore recently and call for an immediate moratorium on all offshore wind activities until an investigation is held by federal and state agencies that confidently determines these activities are not a contributing factor in the recent…


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