Putin says Russia to suspend nuclear arms treaty with U.S. following Biden’s secret visit to Ukraine

Putin says Russia to suspend nuclear arms treaty with U.S. following Biden’s secret visit to Ukraine

Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has said the country would suspend its participation in New START, a nuclear arms reduction treaty between his country and America following the visit of United States President, Joe Biden, to Ukraine and Poland.

Mr Putin made the defiant statement during a press conference on Tuesday in response to President Biden’s covert visit to Kyiv to mark the one year anniversary of Russian military intervention in the country.

A White House Statement said the secret trip which began with a 10-hour train journey from Poland to Kyiv was intended to show “unwavering commitment to Ukraine’s democracy, sovereignty, and territorial integrity”.

Angered by the visit, Mr Putin said in his speech that Russia will suspend New START, further cutting ties with the West. He called the treaty “theater of the absurd” and that the United States wants to use the treaty as an advantage to inspect Russian military facilities.

“The United States and NATO say directly…


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