French party leader blasts Biden’s ‘Hollywood speech’

French party leader blasts Biden’s ‘Hollywood speech’

Florian Philippot, who heads ‘The Patriots’, lashed out at the US president after he pledged to defend Ukraine

US President Joe Biden’s vow to defend “freedom” in Ukraine was pure propaganda, the leader of French political party ‘The Patriots’ (Les Patriotes), Florian Philippot, said on Tuesday. The comments came after Biden made a speech on the Ukraine-Russia conflict during a visit to Poland on the same day.

“Can you stop feeding us with Hollywood speeches?!” Philippot wrote on Twitter. “‘The freedom of people and democracy’ just like in Libya, Kosovo, Iraq…?! Stop it.”

The politician claimed that “the level of war hysteria on French TV is terrible,” and compared the rhetoric to that of the US media when American troops invaded Iraq in 2003 under President George W. Bush. “Same stupid propaganda, same lies,” added Philippot.

The conservative politician is known for strongly opposing the French government’s…


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