Record Numbers of Young Voters Mobilize in Nigeria for Presidential Race

Record Numbers of Young Voters Mobilize in Nigeria for Presidential Race

The youth vote can be unreliable in just about any electorate, but if Nigeria’s pre-election polls hold up, young voters are set to propel third-party candidate Peter Obi to a historic victory.

If the polls do not hold up, as many veteran Nigerian political observers expect, Obi will become the latest populist candidate to wonder where all those excited young supporters went on Election Day.

PBS reported on Wednesday that Obi’s legion of hopeful young voters is smashing records in registration, lofting Obi to the top of the polls even though his Labor Party barely managed to eke out 0.10 percent of the vote in the previous election.

“Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country, with more than 210 million people, and it…


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