House votes to kill Biden’s ‘woke’ ESG investment rule that props up ‘phony climate movement’

House votes to kill Biden’s ‘woke’ ESG investment rule that props up ‘phony climate movement’

The House voted Tuesday to kill the Biden administration’s controversial rule that encourages private retirement plan fiduciaries to consider environment, social and governance (ESG) factors when making investment decisions for tens of millions of Americans.

The Department of Labor rule is widely seen by Republicans as part of the Biden administration’s push to inject “woke” ideology into all aspects of government. Under the rule, fiduciaries who make investment decisions for the retirement plans of more than 150 million people would be explicitly permitted under federal guidelines to consider companies’ approach to climate change and other social issues, instead of focusing on only profitability and return on investment for retirees.

Republicans say that’s a recipe for tanking millions of investment accounts, and on Tuesday, House GOP leaders called up a resolution aimed at killing the rule, which passed 216-204. Only one Democrat voted for it.

Democrats argued during floor…


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