Can Anybody Interpret What Biden Was Trying To Say?

Can Anybody Interpret What Biden Was Trying To Say?

It has been a while since we’ve dissected something President Joe Biden uttered  — in part because his mispronunciations and overall unintelligible speaking habits became so commonplace that it wasn’t really news anymore when it happened.

Nonetheless, on Tuesday Biden spewed something so incredulous it simply must be covered. While speaking in Virginia Beach about his plan for affordable healthcare, Biden turned to a group of doctors to apparently give some sort of compliment.

“By the way, you docs who good …” he said before completely derailing into nonsense. He then said, “You know why? Because you guys allow us to live. Nurses make us want to live.”  Here’s the video:

As the video shows,  his latest flounder is right up there with that one word used to describe America that he told Chinese President Xi Jinping in the…


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