Chris Hayes Spots ‘Most Revealing Part’ Of Latest Fox News Bombshells

Chris Hayes Spots ‘Most Revealing Part’ Of Latest Fox News Bombshells

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes delivered a blistering critique of Fox News and its prime-time personality Tucker Carlson in light of network owner Rupert Murdoch’s sworn admission that its hosts “endorsed” former President Donald Trump’s 2020 election lies.

Fox News could be the “single most destructive institution in all of American politics,” suggested Hayes. The network faces a $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit from Dominion Voting Systems over baseless claims its hosts made about the company’s voting machines rigging the vote against Trump.

“In some ways, the most revealing part of this story is the sheer abject pathetic-ness of these people, their cowardice, their groveling fear,” said Hayes. “A groveling fear that means they will do anything at all to keep their audience, to keep the money coming, to keep the power and prestige coming.”

“While he comes from an almost comically privileged background, he has washed out at multiple networks, had his show canceled, had…


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