Biden: I Had An ‘Epiphany’ And Began Supporting Gay Marriage In High School

Biden: I Had An ‘Epiphany’ And Began Supporting Gay Marriage In High School

What is with this guy? President Joe Biden has a particular penchant, some might say a pathological need, to tell obvious lies at the weirdest times.

The latest example of this is Biden’s claim that he had a great awakening on gay marriage — while a senior in high school — way back around 1960 – 1961. Biden’s voting record and personal statements show that this can’t possibly be true.

Interviewer Kal Penn asked the president a straightforward question: “My question for you, Mr. President, is you codified support for same-sex marriages … I’m curious what your evolution was like on marriage equality, and what the federal government might be able to do to protect LGBTQ Americans, especially trans kids who are dealing with all these regressive state laws that are popping up right now?”

The real answer is that Biden supported the Defense of Marriage Act in the 1990s and asserted that marriage is between one man and one woman until a 2012 “Meet the Press” interview…


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