Biden, who spent years paying women less than men, shares letter from little girl on gender pay gap

Biden, who spent years paying women less than men, shares letter from little girl on gender pay gap

President Joe Biden, who reportedly had a decades-long history of paying female staffers less than their male counterparts, caused a stir on Twitter Tuesday when he tweeted out a handwritten letter from a little girl named “Charlotte” calling on him to close the gender pay gap.

“Charlotte, I couldn’t agree more,” Biden tweeted. “Women lose thousands of dollars each year, and hundreds of thousands over a lifetime, because of gender and racial wage gaps. I’m committed to building an economy where my daughters have the same rights and opportunities as my sons.”

Biden then posted a picture of the letter to mark Equal Pay Day, a symbolic day first observed by the National Committee on Pay Equity in the 1990s.

Twitter users seemed to be amused by the tweet, with many questioning its validity and suggesting Charlotte change her gender identity.

“Yes, a 4 year old girl named Charlotte is writing the president letters about her concern with the ‘gender pay gap,’” wrote Collin Rugg, co-owner of…


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