Nolte: Fact-Checkers Busted Again — Biden Seeks to Eliminate 96% of Gas Stoves

Nolte: Fact-Checkers Busted Again — Biden Seeks to Eliminate 96% of Gas Stoves

It wasn’t until America’s crooked fact-checkers said Joe Biden had no intention of banning gas stoves that I was certain Joe Biden would ban gas stoves. And now we know he is — 96 percent of them.

“Yes, the Biden administration is coming for your gas stove,” writes Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-AZ) in the Washington Examiner.

It’s a backdoor ban by way of outrageous regulations only four percent of gas stoves will meet. And it’s being done, not through democracy and our elected representatives, but by fascist bureaucrats in the Department of Energy.

Yes, Virginia, the Deep State is real

The Department of Energy is conducting this gas stove grab through a rule that would impose extreme energy performance standards on residential cooktops. The department’s proposed rule sets requirements for gas cooktops at the maximum technologically feasible or “max-tech” level. Based on the Department of Energy’s own analysis, gas cooktops at the max-tech level represent just…


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