Biden Is Now Resurrecting One of Obama’s Most Treacherous Initiatives

Biden Is Now Resurrecting One of Obama’s Most Treacherous Initiatives

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If you think your money is safe in your bank account, Biden has other plans.

A former bank insider is going public with a warning. He’s uncovered how Biden plans to take control of American bank accounts.

In his controversial message, this insider holds nothing back:

“I believe [Biden’s new program is] now designed to target ALL American citizens who dare disagree with the Dems’ progressive agenda.

Perhaps most disturbing of all is how this program was the original brainchild of Obama.

For decades, this insider has helped the financial elite avoid some of the worst financial bloodbaths in American history – including the Black Monday crash in 1987, the dot-com crash in 2000, and even the 2008 financial crisis.

His name is Louis Navellier, and he manages over $1 billion in private client money.

These days, when he delivers an urgent warning, he gets attention.

Chief Investment Officer Louis Navellier (Courtesy…


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