‘Rent- a-Kents’ close business, after Prince said he would make representations to Putin’s regime

End of an era as the ‘Rent- a-Kents’ close their business, less than a year after Prince Michael told undercover reporters he could be hired to make ‘confidential’ representations to Putin’s regime

His poise and bearing are truly monarchical – as, of course, is the beard which makes him look remarkably like his grandfather, George V, and, indeed, King George’s cousin, Tsar Nicholas II. But there’s never been anything especially regal about Prince Michael of Kent’s need to pay his own way.

So King Charles will be heartened by the latest development in Prince Michael’s commercial affairs. I can reveal that he and his wife, the statuesque Marie-Christine – known, formally, as Princess Michael – are closing their business, Cantium Services.

It comes less than a year after one of the most lurid episodes in the couple’s…


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