Seven Republicans Help Confirm Embattled Biden Nominee As Ambassador To India

Seven Republicans Help Confirm Embattled Biden Nominee As Ambassador To India

Senators, including seven Republicans, voted on Wednesday to confirm President Joe Biden‘s nominee to serve as U.S. ambassador to India, embattled former Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti.

The Senate voted 52-42 to send Garcetti to New Delhi.

The seven Republicans who voted in favor of moving forward were: Bill Cassidy (LA), Susan Collins (ME), Steve Daines (MT), Lindsey Graham (SC), Bill Hagerty (TN), Roger Marshall (KS), and Todd Young (IN).

Three Democrats voted against his nomination. Six senators did not vote.

“I’m thrilled with today’s outcome, which was a decisive and bipartisan decision to fill a critical post that has been vacant for far too long. Now the hard work begins,” Garcetti said in a statement.


Garcetti is a Democrat who served as mayor of Los Angeles from 2013 to 2022 and was named co-chair of Biden’s campaign


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