That’ll Help! International Criminal Court Issues Arrest Warrant for Vladimir Putin

That’ll Help! International Criminal Court Issues Arrest Warrant for Vladimir Putin

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has ordered an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin over allegations of war crimes in Ukraine, but the warrant is unenforceable — for now.

The ICC at The Hague announced that President Putin and Russia’s Commissioner for Children’s Rights Maria Alekseyevna are subject to arrest warrants and both face charges of war crimes relating to the transfer of people, including children, from Ukraine to Russia.

ICC president President Judge Piotr Hofmański released a statement on the warrants on Friday, stating, “it is forbidden by international law for occupying powers to transfer civilians from the territory they live in to other territories.

“Children enjoy special protection under the Geneva Convention,” he added and noted that details of victims were secret in order to protect them but noted that judges in the case decided to make the warrants public in order to prevent the commission of future crimes.



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