Cortez Masto: Biden Admin. Doing Some Things ‘That Are Too Harsh’ on Immigration

Cortez Masto: Biden Admin. Doing Some Things ‘That Are Too Harsh’ on Immigration

During an interview with NPR aired on Friday’s broadcast of “Morning Edition,” Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV) stated that there are some things that the Biden administration is doing on immigration that “are too harsh that are not helping us solve this problem,” and criticized proposals for a transit ban and family detention.

Host Steve Inskeep asked, [relevant exchange begins around 4:20] “It appears that Title 42 is going to expire, regardless, in May. And the administration has reportedly been talking about other measures that they can use — harsh measures in some cases — to deter people from crossing, things like family detention, for example. Would you favor harsher measures in place of Title 42 to keep down the flow?”

Cortez Masto responded, “No. And I’ve said this to the administration as well, with respect to family detention, it was wrong under Trump and it’s wrong now. There was a proposal for a transit ban, to me, again, wrong proposal….


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