‘Friendly Fascism’: Biden White House Wanted To Censor Even Private Speech Over COVID Vax

In 1980, the book “Friendly Fascism” warned that Big Government and Big Business would align and join forces in America, suppressing the common man, while ushering in a new era of tyranny wrapped in a false sense of patriotism while being served with a “smile.”

Now, newly uncovered emails suggest that the Biden White House pressured Big Tech into a similar form of “Friendly Fascism” even more than previously known by targeting private speech under the guise of COVID-19 precautions.

While the U.S. government was apparently coordinating with Big Tech on public-facing social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, there has been scant reporting on how the executive branch wanted personal and encrypted messages censored — until now.

On Friday, investigative journalist David Zweig reported that he obtained White House emails thanks to the court case Missouri v Biden which showed that only six days into the Biden administration, key high-ranking staffers were already…


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