President Biden celebrates release of ‘Hotel Rwanda’ hero Paul Rusesabagina

President Biden celebrates release of ‘Hotel Rwanda’ hero Paul Rusesabagina

President Biden thanked Rwanda’s government on Friday for releasing Paul Rusesabagina, who inspired the film “Hotel Rwanda,” and allowing him to return to his family in the U.S.

Rusesabagina, a 68-year-old U.S. resident and Belgian citizen, had his 25-year sentence for terrorism offenses commuted by presidential order after a request for clemency. A Rwanda government spokesperson said the commutation does not “extinguish” his conviction.

Biden released a statement Friday welcoming Rusesabagina home to the U.S.

“I welcome today’s release of Paul Rusesabagina by the Government of Rwanda,” Biden wrote. “Paul’s family is eager to welcome him back to the United States, and I share their joy at today’s good news.”


Paul Rusesabagina, 68, had his 25-year sentence for terrorism offenses commuted in Rwanda by presidential order after a request for clemency.

Paul Rusesabagina, 68, had his 25-year sentence for terrorism offenses commuted in Rwanda by presidential order after a request for clemency. (AP)

“I thank the Rwandan Government for making this reunion possible, and I…


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