Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin Urge Biden Against Restarting Family Detention Policy

Top Senate Democrats are urging President Joe Biden against reinstating a policy that would detain migrant families who cross the U.S. border illegally.

Biden’s administration is reportedly considering reviving the much-criticized policy that Biden himself ended when he took office in 2021. It follows other moves by the administration designed to address the influx of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border, including barring migrants from applying for asylum in the U.S. if they have traveled through other countries.

Critics of the family detention policy say it would target vulnerable people, including children, and lead to family separations like the thousands of separations that occurred under President Donald Trump.

“Under both the Obama and Trump Administrations, family detention had disastrous effects on migrant families and children, without any corresponding improvement in border security or deterrence. We urge you to learn from the mistakes of your predecessors and abandon any…


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