INTERVIEW: “There is huge interest from American companies in Nigeria, but…” – US Ambassador

INTERVIEW: “There is huge interest from American companies in Nigeria, but…” – US Ambassador

Nigeria has missed some opportunities in its business and economic policies but a rethink could salvage the country, the outgoing US Ambassador to Nigeria, Mary Beth Leonard, says.

She noted that a rethink was important to attract more investors, both domestic and foreign into the country.

“There is huge interest from American companies in Nigeria, a very robust American business chamber but all investors, whether they are Nigerians operating in this environment or foreigners looking for engagement, seek stability and predictability; that ease with which one can move money in and out, these are all factors that colour the business environment in Nigeria and I think that there is some work to be done to make it more attractive,” Ms Leonard said in an exclusive interview with PREMIUM TIMES.

She further cited the fuel subsidy which she described as ruinously expensive, noting that those funds could have alternate uses in things like health, education and…


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