Biden Admin: Forget About Ukrainian Aid Oversight, ‘It Is A War’

The Biden administration will reportedly send another round of aid to Ukraine, a whopping $2.6 billion on Monday, but don’t you dare ask where that ammunition and supplies will wind up once it leaves American shores.

It is a war, got it? And the U.S. is Ukraine’s full-fledged partner for “however long it takes.” That means, according to Biden’s National Security Council’s Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby, you’re just going to have to deal with unaccountability for all that Ukranian aid.

If a little bit goes missing, he essentially argued this week, then well, tough luck schmuck; that’s the reality of a war the American people didn’t ask for and didn’t even vote for being a part of.

“It is important to remember, and we all want as much oversight and accountability as possible,” he said on Wednesday. “Of course, we do. It’s taxpayer-funded equipment and systems that going to Ukraine, but it is a war. And real people are fighting and real…


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