Chris Christie: Trump is the only Republican Biden can beat

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie said during an interview on Sunday that former President Donald Trump was the only Republican that President Joe Biden can beat in a general election and that the president would lose to any other Republican.

Christie made the remarks during an roundtable discussion on ABC News’ “This Week” when discussing how new polling has shown that the 34-count felony indictment returned by a Manhattan grand jury last week is starting to hurt Trump’s poll numbers after seeing an initial boost.

“No matter what he says and his people say, being indicted is not good for political candidate,” Christie said. “Like that’s just — you know, he can get short-term bump among certain parts of our own party. But in the end, it’s not good to be indicted.”

“Being indicted, the public does still look at that and say that’s not what should be happening to a national leader,” he said.

Christie said that the special counsel that the Biden…


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