Iran targets Israel on all fronts, seizing opportunity of dissent and Biden’s hostility

Iran is staging an attack on all fronts against Israel through its terrorist proxies, taking advantage of Israel’s internal dissent and the Biden administration’s attempt to isolate the government of Benjamin Netanyahu.

In recent days, Iranian-backed terror groups, notably Hamas, have launched rockets against Israel from Gaza in the southwest and from Lebanon in the north — the latter with the permission of Iranian-backed Hezbollah.

Palestinians have stockpiled weapons in the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, with some barricading themselves inside to prepare attacks on Jewish worshippers at the Western Wall below — and to provoke Israeli raids that inflame opinion in the Arab world and in left-leaning Western media.

In addition, Palestinian terrorists killed three civilians on Friday: one, an Italian tourist killed in a car-ramming attack in Tel Aviv; the others, two British-born teenage sisters who lived in Efrat, a town in a part of Judea (the southern “West Bank”)…


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